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Our latest news

BSAS 2024: Advances in youngstock science

Early life nutrition
Trouw Nutrition are excited to once-again be chairing the youngstock session at this year's BSAS conference. Following on from last autumn’s Trouw Nutrition Lifestart Calf Symposium, the youngstock session at the annual BSAS conference has been curated to showcase the latest advances in youngstock science. 
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Trouw Nutrition launches new service to accurately estimate the environmental footprint of milk

Press release
Trouw Nutrition launches MyMilkPrint, an easy-to-use service that allows feed advisors to calculate the environmental impact of milk at the farm level, enabling them to develop effective emission reduction strategies for dairy producers.
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Trouw Nutrition launches an online service to calculate the environmental footprint of animal feed products

Press release
Trouw Nutrition, a leading provider of innovative animal nutrition solutions, today announces the launch of MyFeedPrint, an online environmental footprint service for animal feed products.
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